Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fotos De La Titane Desnudas What Is The English Meaning Of The Song "el Mareo" By Bajofondo

What is the english meaning of the song "el mareo" by Bajofondo - fotos de la titane desnudas


Avanzo y escribo
I decided to El Camino
The desire to leave

He extinguished the desire
I entrenvero
and talk
It was

His eyes have seen you,
it comes to motion sickness
And then
When I
A walk

His eyes have seen you,
it comes to motion sickness
And then
When I
A walk

The water blind
There is glass in the sand
I'm not sorry
left, a farewell

This is how
bitter fuzzy
Children, Photos Nightlife
a better time

His eyes have seen you,
it comes to motion sickness
And then
When I
A walk

His eyes have seen you,
it comes to motion sickness
And then
When I
A walk

The air that I am blind
There is glass in the sand
I'm not sorry
adios one dejarte

What areThings
bitter fuzzy
Children, Photos Nightlife
a better time

His eyes have seen you,
it comes to motion sickness
And then
When I
A walk

His eyes have seen you,
it comes to motion sickness
And then
When I
A walk


Lucky said...

I'll go and write
I set up on a path
Requests that are not yet completed
With you

The desire is extinguished
I saw and
No matter what was best for me

His eyes have seen you,
I know that nausea fell over me
And then
When I
To take a walk

His eyes have seen you,
I know that nausea fell over me
And then
When I
To take a walk

The water blind
There is glass in the sand
But it does not bother me
To say goodbye

Thats the way things
Bitter, fuzzy
Pictures masked a better time

His eyes have seen you,
I know that nausea fell over me
And then
When I
To take a walk

His eyes have seen you,
I know that nausea fell over me
And then
When I
To take a walk

-daisyyy... said...

In other words, such as illness or soemthing

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